Does Low Testosterone Affect Male Fertility? 4 Ways To Boost Your T Naturally

Does Low Testosterone Affect Male Fertility? 4 Ways To Boost Your T Naturally

The Testosterone Concern

More and more men are struggling with low testosterone. Statistics show that the average male’s testosterone levels have declined in recent years. Testosterone is found in all humans but is primarily the male sex hormone in charge of development during puberty. From there, testosterone plays a vital role in men’s health. Low testosterone levels lead to fatigue, low motivation, poor muscle mass, and low virility. Studies also link testosterone levels to low bone mass and hair loss, but what about male fertility? Testosterone levels drop naturally with age, and there is a link between low levels and fertility. Addressing these low levels naturally may help improve the ability to conceive.


Low T, less sperm

Healthy male fertility requires men to produce enough healthy sperm. An abnormally low sperm count or poor sperm quality can lead to infertility. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), not testosterone, is the primary driver of sperm production. However, testosterone does play a major role in overall fertility. A high concentration of testosterone is necessary in the testicles for FSH production. Low T means low FSH, which therefore means low sperm production. Testosterone levels also help with sex drive, erectile function, and virility. Men trying to get pregnant should seek natural ways to increase testosterone.

1. Get some sleep

Poor sleep is known to lower testosterone levels. Testosterone production typically happens during sleep and is closely linked to the body’s circadian rhythms. For most people, T levels are highest upon waking. Numerous studies show that 5 hours of sleep or less significantly reduces testosterone levels. Even sleeping at irregular hours can impact testosterone levels. Set up the conditions for a deep sleep nightly. Some tips include stopping phone use 30 minutes before bed, cooler temperatures, weighted blankets, and melatonin supplements. Over time, testosterone levels in the blood will increase.

2. Fight stress to boost T

With professional, social, financial, and family obligations come high levels of stress. While some stress is helpful, continuous stress levels can severely impact health, including reducing testosterone levels. Scientists have revealed that testosterone and the stress hormone cortisol work on the same axes. In other words, high cortisol levels cause low testosterone levels, and vice versa. Reduce stress through relaxation methods, meditation, talk therapy, and addressing issues contributing to stress.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

Men who are overweight or obese can have low testosterone levels. These low levels could be due to a range of side effects of obesity. For instance, overweight men are likelier to have high cortisol and estrogen levels. There’s also the chance of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions, including increased body fat around the waist, that can lead to low testosterone. Improve testosterone levels by weight training, aiming for an appropriate body mass index (BMI), and maintaining a healthy diet.

4. Consider natural supplements

Even with lifestyle improvements, some men need an added boost for optimal testosterone production. Natural vitamins, minerals, and supplements can positively affect testosterone production. For instance, minerals zinc and boron can positively impact testosterone production. Vitamin D, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and ashwagandha are other helpful fertility-boosting supplements. Speak with a doctor before adding any supplement to a daily routine.

Protect your fertility’s future

Men with low testosterone levels are likely to have fertility struggles. Maintaining adequate levels can improve the chances of conceiving. For those wanting a natural approach, lifestyle changes like improved sleep, reduced stress, weight management, and supplementation with specific vitamins and herbs will bring the desired results.

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