The Facts About A Miscarriage
A miscarriage occurs when the pregnancy naturally terminates before the delivery date. A miscarriage is considered a spontaneous abortion that transpires during the early or late stages of a pregnancy. A singular miscarriage happens once, but recurrent miscarriages occur at least twice in the same person. A recurrent early miscarriage takes place during the first trimester of pregnancy. Recurrent late miscarriages happen during the second or third trimester.
What causes a miscarriage?
A variety of issues like chromosomal abnormalities, uterine abnormalities, endocrine issues, or chronic disease can cause a miscarriage. Chromosomal abnormalities are considered one of the leading causes of recurrent early miscarriage. Suppose the embryo contains an unusual number of chromosomes or genetic material. In that case, the body can reject the embryo, resulting in a miscarriage. Uterine abnormalities like polyps, cysts, and abnormally shaped uteruses are also a risk factor. A chronic disease such as diabetes or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can possibly lead to pregnancy complications and miscarriage.
Types of miscarriages
The four main types of miscarriages are inevitable, incomplete, complete, and missed. With a complete miscarriage, all the pregnancy tissue exits the body through the vagina. In an incomplete miscarriage, a partial amount of tissue exits the body while the rest stays inside. During an inevitable miscarriage, the cervix opens and starts bleeding to eliminate the pregnancy. A missed miscarriage shows no signs of bleeding. Patients must undergo an ultrasound to detect the embryo and doctors may have to remove the tissue.
Evaluating recurring miscarriages
Healthcare providers must perform a series of tests before diagnosing a patient with recurrent pregnancy loss. These tests are performed on both partners to identify any issues with the sperm or egg. Ultrasounds, sonograms, and x-rays are conducted to locate any anatomical issues. Blood tests are also administered to determine any blood clotting, insulin resistance, diabetes, or other blood-related issues. Chromosome testing of the patient and fetal DNA will reveal any chromosome abnormalities. Patients will also undergo testing for chronic diseases and pelvic exams.
Does the environment play a factor?
Environmental factors do play a role in recurrent miscarriages. Unhealthy environmental factors like excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption can negatively impact a pregnancy. Obesity is a lifestyle factor that can make a pregnancy difficult. Doctors also advise against smoking tobacco or any other products while pregnant. Smoking is another high-risk environmental factor.
Exploring Treatment Options
Treatment options for recurrent miscarriages depend on the root cause of the condition. For uterine abnormalities, doctors will perform surgery to remove unwanted growths or repair the uterus. Chronic diseases must be diagnosed and managed through a comprehensive treatment plan. For genetic issues, specialists may suggest assisted reproductive technology like in-vitro fertilization to help couples conceive.
Working with a specialist
To ensure a healthy pregnancy, patients dealing with a miscarriage should reach out to a specialist. A doctor can refer the person to a specialist that focuses on fertility issues and recurrent pregnancy loss. This medical condition requires expert treatment and care that a specialist provides.